Issue 181 - Flutter Tap Weekly Newsletter
Google announces Project IDX for Flutter and cross-platform development, generative art tutorial, Fluttercon videos, and new Flutter packages.
Let's dive into this week's content, waiting to supercharge your Flutter projects:
This is not a tool yet, but Google just announced Project IDX. It will have support for Flutter and cross-platform development. Can't wait to try it. This is the description:
"These days, launching applications means navigating an endless sea of complexity. We felt this pain at Google, so we started Project IDX, an experimental new initiative aimed at bringing your entire full-stack, multiplatform app development workflow to the cloud."
You can subscribe to the waiting list here:
Generative Art in Flutter. An amazing tutorial by Roaa on how to unlock Flutter tooling and combine it with some basic generative art concepts to start creating beautiful artworks.
Stream makes it easy for you to seamlessly integrate real-time experiences into your application. Check out our Flutter tutorial to learn how you can get started adding messaging or video to your apps!
Learn more here.
Flutter Animated Login Screen using Rive animation. Vrushti Shah teaches us how to create a fun and interactive login screen using animations.
Create an AI Image Generator In Flutter, Clean Architecture. In this three-part series, Yassine Benkhay shows us how to create a complete app with a focus on clean architecture, state management, and DALL-E 2 API:
Fluttercon was a great event with a lot of amazing talks. You can find all the videos here. 100% worth checking out.
Observable Flutter: Game worlds and cameras. Tune in to watch as Craig is joined by Wolfen, a core contributor on the Flame game engine, to make sure his camera and game world logic is implemented correctly.
Building a Full Stack App with Dart and Flutter | MonoRepo, Melos, and Dart 3 Course. By Codepur. In this comprehensive tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of creating a powerful Full Stack app using Dart and Flutter. We'll dive into advanced techniques like Mono Repo architecture, Melos for efficient project management, and harnessing the capabilities of Dart 3.
Randal L. Schwartz on Dart and Flutter. Randal Schwartz describes Isolate.spawn(), compute, and now to move heavy computations off your UI thread.
Live Coding Session Wow Shopping App - Flutter DevCamp 2023 :: #FlutterCommunity #Flutter. Join Simon Lightfoot LIVE coding on the Wow Shopping app for Flutter DevCamp 2023 - State Management Special!
Humpday Q&A/AMA :: 9th August 2023 :: #HumpdayQandA #Flutter #FlutterCommunity. Come chat about Dart & Flutter with experts and ask your questions!
infinite_scroll_pagination. Unopinionated, extensible and highly customizable package to help you lazily load and display small chunks of items as the user scrolls down the screen – known as infinite scrolling pagination, endless scrolling pagination, auto-pagination, lazy loading pagination, progressive loading pagination, etc.
convex_bottom_bar. A Flutter package which implements a ConvexAppBar to show a convex tab in the bottom bar. Theming supported.
flutter_staggered_animations. Easily add staggered animations to your ListView, GridView, Column and Row children as shown in Material Design guidelines