Issue 187 - Flutter Tap Weekly Newsletter
This edition covers reducing Flutter app size, modular project architecture, data mutations with Riverpod, Dynamic Island in Flutter and much more.
Let's dive into this week's content, waiting to supercharge your Flutter projects:
Pushing Flutter to the Limit: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Flutter App Size. Having a small size app is always good both for development and for your users. Anuj Kumar Pandey gives us a detailed guide with 15 points on how to make our apps leaner.

Add real-time video calling and messaging to your Flutter apps in just a few lines of code ⚒️
Stream’s Flutter SDK makes it easy to app real-time video calling and in-app messaging to your apps in just a few lines of code. All in Dart, fully null-safe and infinitely customizable 💙. Try it today or leave a ✨ on our repo.
A modular project approach for Flutter. Nino Handler shows us how to organize our app into a package-based modular app architecture.
How to Fetch Data and Perform Data Mutations with the Riverpod Architecture. Andrea Bizzotto gives us a great tutorial on how to fetch data and perform mutations using Riverpod.
How to use URL Launcher package in flutter | URL Launcher | #flutter #flutterdev #flutterwidgets. By WorldOfFlutter. A brief description on how to use the URL Launcher package by flutter. Follow the above steps for different URL schemes and use it in your projects!
A Complete Guide for using Dynamic Island in your next Flutter App. By Yash Makan. In this comprehensive tutorial, I'll walk you through the exciting world of Dynamic Island on iOS and how to seamlessly integrate them into your Flutter application with real-time API integration.
Flutter Google Maps Tutorial | Location Tracking, Maps, Markers, Polylines, Directions API. By Hussain Mustafa. In this video, I am going to show you how to work with Google Maps, Directions API, Markers, Location Tracking, and Poly Line Points to create a Flutter application that shows a Google Map to the user, on which they can see their location live while being able to display markers on other points of interest and using the Directions API and Flutter Poly Line Points compute and draw a path between them.
Humpday Q&A/AMA :: 20th September 2023 :: #HumpdayQandA #Flutter #FlutterCommunity. Join Simon Lightfoot, Scott Stoll, Randal Schwartz, Danielle Cox, and John Wiese for today's Humpday Q&A AMA to get your #Dart and #Flutter questions answered! We might even live code some things!
croppy. A fully customizable image cropper for Flutter. Mobile-first, but supports Web and Desktop platforms.
dio_cookie_manager. A cookie manager combines cookie_jar and dio, based on the interceptor algorithm.
math_expressions. A library for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions, supporting real numbers, vectors, and basic interval arithmetic.