Issue 53 - Flutter Tap Weekly Newsletter - Tutorials, videos, packages!
Flutter Tap
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Newsletter Issue 53 - August 24, 2020
Remember comment, rate, claps, or any other recognition that you want to those who write these fantastic articles, tutorials, packages, and videos.
If you have any remote conference about Flutter or Dart that you want me to share, please send a message on Twitter @fluttertap. Also, if you have any important message, I will do my best to share it. We have to help each other in this situation.
Are you building something in Flutter this month? Please share it with me on twitter @fluttertap.
Updates on Flutter and Firebase. In this article, Chris Sells tells us about the improvements of the packages supporting Firebase (aka FlutterFire).
Why we chose Flutter. In this article, Reme Le Hane talks about his experience with Flutter and why his team uses it as their mobile development platform.
Amplify Flutter (Developer Preview). Sometimes you have to use AWS as a Backend, or you already have a development with AWS. That is why it is excellent news that AWS is developing Amplify for Flutter. It is still in the early stages and looking for feedback for developers.
Flutter + Firestore: You may be using it wrong.. In this tutorial by Michel Feinstein show us bad and good practices on how to use Firestore with Flutter, with examples and solutions to the most common anti-patterns.
Flutter UI Series: Everything You Need To Know About Images.. A great article by Red Fox Jones shows how to make a lot of useful things with images on Flutter, from fetching them from an URL, apply filters, borders, make a grid of images, and much more.
Making Production-Ready apps in Flutter. Getting an app ready for production is not easy. In this tutorial by Ibtesam Ansari, we learn several points and practices to take into account to make our app production-ready.
Dart/Flutter â How to parse JSON using dart:convert. Almost every API out there give us a JSON response. In this article, Phuc Tran shows us how to parse a JSON object to something that we can manipulate with Dart.
#AskFlutter at Flutter Day: Session 3. Join Andrew Fitz Gibbon with John Ryan and Michael Thomsen for our third and final session of #AskFlutter at Flutter Day 2020.
Layout Explorer. The Layout Explorer visualizes how Flex widgets and their children are laid out. Albertus Angga, Flutter Software Engineering Intern, shares the top 3 ways you can use Layout Explorer to debug layout issues while building your app.
Google, Apple, Twitter Authentication with Lit Firebase Auth Package. By Amateur Coder. In this video we add onto one of the most beautiful Flutter login screens Iâve ever seen. The first part of this was done on @Fun with Flutter channel. So make sure to go take a look at that first. The first part includes most of the beautiful design and the animations. In the second part we add 3 authentication types. And this whole log in screen is done with the litfirebaseauth package. This package makes login screens wayyyyyy too easy to implement. And then you can also do custom things like this.
wp_pivot-flutter A Windows Phone style pivot tab bar implementation in Flutter.
byte_flow Byte flow is a pure dart , dependency less library that provides common utility functions for dart lists and arrays following the functional programming paradigm , inspired heavily by the Javascript lodash library.
badges_bar SVG badge generator for packages on Likes, pub points and popularity.
Any suggestions you can find us on Twitter @fluttertap